Supporting Athletics and Extracurricular Programs

Eliminate the door-to-door fundraising and raise more money with less effort! To date, Snap! Raise has helped raise over $700 million for more than 100,000 groups and teams. Let us help you secure the funds to support what matters.

Secure and Successful Fundraising

With Snap! Raise, you will meet federal security compliance standards while personalizing your communications, tracking participants, and accessing financial reports.

Learn more about Snap! Raise

Early Access From Snap! Raise

We know programs require more than just a fundraising partner– they need their funds now. That’s why we offer Early Access, so you can get a portion of your funds before your fundraiser begins.

Learn more about Early Access

The Snap! Mobile Platform

Snap! Mobile is the essential technology platform for school athletics and activities. Find out what you can do with our range of powerful industry-leading solutions today.

Learn more about Snap! Mobile

What Our Customers Are Saying

Justin Utupo

Lakewood High School

Lakewood, CA

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