Snap! Manage Product Updates

New Feature in AD Assist

Streamline Your Worker Assignments

You can now use a convenient drop-down menu to select the arrival and start/end times for your workers. This update eliminates the need to manually type each time, making scheduling faster and more efficient.
screenshot of Workers Assignment feature in AD Assist

New Feature in Registration

Direct Messaging to Coaches

Admin users now have the option to send communications exclusively to coaches using the message center. This targeted messaging feature ensures that important updates and information reach the right people quickly and efficiently.
screenshot of messaging to coaches in the Registration product

New Feature in School Sites

Enhanced Calendar Filters

The calendar filters (sport, team, event, type, facility) now come with a multi-select option. This new feature allows you to select multiple criteria at once, making it easier than ever to customize and view events. Enjoy a more tailored and efficient calendar experience!
screenshot of School Sites calendar feature

New Feature in Registration

Historical Messages with Pagination

Users can now easily view historical messages using pagination at the bottom of the tab. This enhancement allows for quick and organized access to past communications, making it easier to track and review important information.
screenshot of historical messages with pagination in Registration

Bug Fixes

Seamless Navigation between Registration and Control Panel
Now, when toggling between Registration or AD Assist and the Control Panel, you won’t need to reselect your school. This fix ensures smoother, more efficient navigation and saves you valuable time.