Snap! Raise Spring 2024 Promotion Eligibility

Eligibility Requirements and Details For The $1,000 Worth of Custom Gear Giveaway

  • Must launch a Snap! Raise campaign between February 1, 2024 and March 31, 2024
  • Must have Snap! Store enabled for your program
  • Must be 18 or older to qualify
  • Must be associated with a school, non-profit organization, or for profit athletics or activities business
  • Any customer who is running their first Snap! Raise campaign must fill out this form to qualify. Returning customers will be automatically entered as their campaigns launch.

Custom Gear Giveaway Details

Giveaway #1: February
  • 3 winners will be selected from campaigns that launch between Feb. 1st and Feb 29th. Each winner will receive a $1,000 credit to their program’s Snap! Store. The winners will be selected March 1st.
  • Giveaway #2: March
  • 3 winners will be selected from campaigns that launch between Mar. 1st and Mar. 31st. Each winner will receive a $1,000 credit to their program’s Snap! Store. The winner will be selected April 1st.

  • Winners will be notified by their Snap! Raise rep. The $1,000 credit will be delivered via points, which can be viewed in the Store Dashboard.

    Eligibility Requirements and Details For The $10,000 Donation Giveaway

    • Must launch a Snap! Raise campaign between February 1, 2024 and February 29, 2024
    • One entry per fundraiser
    • Any program that is running their first Snap! Raise campaign must fill out this form to qualify. Returning programs will be automatically entered as their campaigns launch.
    • Except where prohibited by law, entry constitutes permission to use each entrant’s name, hometown (city and state), likeness, photograph and any statements regarding this giveaway in all media now known or hereafter discovered, for any purpose, including without limitation, in connection with, and to promote, market or advertise, the giveaway, in whole or in part, without review, approval, credit or attribution, notification or payment from or to entrant or any person or entity, worldwide, in perpetuity, or on a winner’s list, if applicable.

    Donation Giveaway Details

    One winner will be selected from campaigns that launch between February 1st and February 29th. The winner will receive a $10,000 donation to their program’s Snap! Raise campaign. The winning program will be notified by their Snap! Raise rep and the donation will be made to their fundraiser at the conclusion of their campaign